EdTech Presentation

The Use of Google Docs at College Level

  • Jeudi, 26 février 2015


  • Alexandre Enkerli, Vitrine technologie-éducation

Cloud computing has been a buzzword for a while, but learners and teachers are using cloud services like Google Docs regardless of the technical details behind those tools.

Since Google’s revenues are based on advertising and user data, widespread usage of these services might give pause to some people. Further, educators need to ensure that pedagogy drives technological appropriation lest tools start dictating arbitrary needs.

This professional development session is meant to help participants cope with issues related to Google’s productivity tools like Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Through hands-on experimentation and other activities, we will explore the pedagogical potential for Google’s apps as well as their potential pitfalls and address various issues surrounding cloud computing in pedagogical contexts.

Les activités d'animation et de perfectionnement sont diffusées sur le site de Éductive.

L'infolettre APOP est supportée par Dialog Insight.